Sunday, January 1, 2012

Meringue Mushrooms

I found this recipe and couldn't wait to try it. Little frivolous confections that look like something else, I was all over it. The recipe is great and easy to follow so I won't bore you with step by step details. This will mostly be a slideshow of my little pretties.

But first lets talk about cream of tartar. It was the only ingredient I didn't have in my kitchen so I looked it up on and it's actually pretty interesting. Something about grapes and Iran 7000 years ago. Here read it for yourself. 

So I set out to buy some. The little spice jar was $5.49!!!!!! After walking around the baking isle indignantly I let the allure of making these mushrooms outweigh my greater sensability. It turns out that $5+ bucks was a fair price because the recipe only called for 1/4 tsp.

This bottle should last me the rest of my life (assuming of course there isn't a zombie apocalypse).

Moving on...

Here they are, and they were super easy (if not labor intensive) to make. I do have a few tips if you are going to try.

First when making the bases err on the side of wider (especially at the base).Sounds simple I know but you will thank me later.

Also it is a good exercise in letting go of control. I tried to get a uniform set of caps to bases but in the end its the odd shaped weird ones that look most like mushrooms.

Oh and have fun, I did.

<3 Ruth

1 comment:

  1. What adorable little mushrooms. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog till Monday night and I'd love it if you'd come by and link your meringue mushrooms up.
