Sunday, January 1, 2012

Holiday Pomanders

In my defense I have been crazy busy creating, jut not blogging. I have pictures of most of the things I was working on and I plan on getting them all up today. This is the first.

So Mr. Maker is a 4th grade teacher (cute right?). Every year since we have been married I have made gifts for him to give to the other teachers and cafeteria ladies and janitors etc. Every year we come up with a give that i simple enough to make about 30 of in reasonable time, holiday-ish but not religiously specific, and not expensive. The first year we made  a standard size gingerbread man in a bag with several mini ones (get it -gingerbread teachers), and the next year we made chocolate red chili truffles, this year I didn't want to make a food thing so we made pomanders. Fun if not a little labor intensive, but totally worth it.

Here are the players:
bag of clementines, pretty ribbons, cloves (I found mine in the bulk section of Whole Foods and they werent expensive), and a well used hot glue gun 

Glue ribbon around an orange. I also glued hanging ribbons.

Depending on your orange you may want to pre poke holes with a thumb tack where your cloves will go. I didn't get a good picture of this.

Them put cloves in the holes and you are done.
I spent about $8 on oranges, $6 on cloves and probably another 5 on ribbon. $19 for 30 teacher gifts not bad if I do say so myself, and they smell AMAZING!

Now I saw a tutorial for pomander that involved baking and one that used some sort of preservative. You don't need to do anything. Keep them in a cool dry place and they will smell up a space as they dry out. 

Enjoy making your pomanders and message me if you have questions.

<3 Ruth

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