Sunday, January 1, 2012

Look what I got for Christmas!

I am blessed to be married to a man who knows me more completely than I realize sometimes. My Christmas present tis year is another example of that.

Its an antique sewing machine! There is a serial number and I went online to find out it was made in 1902. 

The machine is in working order except for this rubber piece for winding the bobbin which is shrunken (because its 110 years old) and doesn't reach the wheel to wind the bobbin. But we fixed that.

This is the bobbin casing.

A wood panel in the base opens to store extra feet and such.

And look at this crazy bobbin.

My favorite part is this plate on the side.
Isn't she pretty!

And check out how Mr. Maker fixed it so I can wind a bobbin. It's a lego wheel.

It almost works and I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. I was reading about these machines and one site say that they virtually never breakdown. And all the mechanisms are moving smoothly. It sort of sews but the needle isn't catching the bobbin thread. It's skipping stitches. In a normal machine this could be caused by a bent needle (even when the needle doesn't look bent). But I changed the needle twice, but the needles I changed to were in the machine and could potentially be very old. So I'll keep trying and let you know when I get her sewing like I know she can! 

<3 Ruth

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