Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I forgive myself for my short attention span

I'm officially addicted to knitting. My sewing machine calls to me from the craft room, but I don't listen. I'm too busy knitting on the couch watching a movie.

The pretty blue piece I was working on- I got as far as making it a square and got bored so it's now a pot holder.

And I think I have found my barrier to the knitting. Its the repitition. When I'm sewing every step is a different thing. In knitting every step is the same thing over (and over and over and over and over and over and over). I need to work on something more dynamic.

I was on the Lion website and I found this pattern. The coolest part is that I acually understood the pattern. Here it is.

Cast on 30 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: K24, turn, leave rem 6 sts unworked.
Row 3: K24.
Row 4: K18, turn, leave rem 12 sts unworked.
Row 5: K18.
Row 6: K12, turn, leave rem 18 sts unworked.
Row 7: K12.
Row 8: K6, turn, leave rem 24 sts unworked.
Row 9: K6.
Row 10: K across all 30 sts.
Repeat Rows 1-10 until nearly all yarn has been used, end with a Row 10.
Bind off.

Easy peasy leamon squeezy. I can do this one!
Every row is different. And I used yarn that changes color which seems to help.

This is the first 10 rows:

Hopefully it will end up looking something like this:
Image of Short Row Scarf

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