Monday, September 16, 2013

The grand experiment!

September 1 2013

It all started when I made these "gloves"
To start off I once saw a pattern that listed the experience level as advanced-beginner and I think that perfectly describes me. I can kind of do stuff but I'm still a beginner and if I can't finish a project in a weekend I'm probably not going to.

Secondly, I'm the last person you would guess to make or wear elven gloves. No judgment just not my style. 

But I was looking for a pattern to practice Undecided lace and I found this Vogue one and talked myself into buying it. It's was awesome! I did it in two weekends, one for each glove, and it was fun. 

I had the skien of Souk which I don't like because it breaks so easily but I loved the color. I bought it with fantasies of making a leafy something or other. The pattern wanted 2 200 yard skeins but I did it with just one. 

The construction is what I love most. Basically you make two stars, stitch them together, then fold in half and stitch at the points. 

There are a couple mistakes but hey for a first try I am proud, I love them, I think they are badass, and I would never wear them.

The minute I finished I knew they weren't for me, and I knew exactly who they were for, so I wrapped them pretty and put them on my friends door. 

Then not 24 hours later another unrelated friend sent me a facebook message telling me to come over. This second friend had just had ankle surgery so I thought she just needed girl time. I went over and it turns out she had made these for me!
Turquoise skulls!

So I decided to just start making stuff and giving it away and see what comes.

September 6 2013
 I started to crochet a shawl for someone (honestly don't know who), and was given homemade ribs and bbq sauce and 4 gigantic garden zuccini.

Sept 7 2013
Continued work of shawl and  friends invite us for dinner and give me this!

Its his mothers old sewing machine and turquoise necklace. He saw the pic of the other necklace I posted and thought of it. He said he just wants someone to wear it. Oh and a sewing machine that belonged to her (that makes 9 I own, more on that later).

It's officially a thing! Make stuff, give it away, and the universe will give you more stuff. 

After much contemplation I have decided that I can part with one of my sewing machines, and I know just who will appreciate it. And I'm almost done with that shawl. I cant wait to give them away!

Miss Me?

Of course not. No one reads this.
Well believe it or not I missed you. So I'm back.
I apologize for being gone so long but it turns out grad school is time consuming and I can turn in blog posts for credit, but I'm almost done and I think its about time I got back to doing the stuff I love, like making random shit and posting about it.